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Red pinpoint spots on skin

hi, Everyone,

I have been on Imatinib for almost two months now. Just recently, I discovered more and more red pinpoint spots have appeared on arms and legs. Has anyone had this sympton? Is it due to the Imatinib or the cml disease itself? Hope someone has the same experience can help with this question.

Hi William,

I have been on Glivec for 4.5 years now and I have the same problem mainly on my arms. My
consultant says that it is a common side effect of Glivec and it is nothing to worry about.



I get this too. I guess it could be from anything, but I take dasatinib and never had these spots before I got CML. It doesn't cause me any problems, so I don't really worry about it.

Thanks everyone, for sharing your experiences.

I've done some research online, find that it might be caused ny low platelet. I will get my blood checked in the next few days. Do you have low platelets when they first appearred?

You might be on to something. I think my platelets are a bit low at the moment - bruising easier than normal. But yes, my platelets were indeed a little low to start with, around the 120 mark I think.

I have had 3 episodes of the red spots on my L hand. My doctor told me he didn't know what caused them and they weren't a spry cel side effect. The spots lasted abut 72 hrs. each time. But I've never had the spots before.
I thought perhaps they came from a jade bracelet I've worn non-stop on for 5 yrs. and didn't remove at night. So I took it off - no spots since. But I just put the bracelet back on and will see what happens.

hi, Ginger,
Thanks for your reply, but my red pinpoint spots do not disappear by themselves, they are increasing in numbers. Also the last couple of days I noticed bleeding under my finger nails although its not severe. I had my blood test done today, and will see doc next Tuesday. By then I will find a bit more. About the jade bracelets. what I heard is some dodgy merchants have used harmful chemicals and radiation to change the natural appearance of the jade so it looks more attractive. If your red spot disappeared after you removed your bracelet then you got to be more careful about it.

hi, David,
Did your red spot disappear after a while or they remain there indefintely?

The ones that were on my arms eventually went away about 90%. I get a lot on my legs too that have persisted, but since as a guy I don't wear skirts too often, it doesn't really bother me!

Dear William,
Good luck with the blood test. I have taken off the jade bracelet which is such a lovely green color. What you wrote is a scary thought. And to think that jade is supposed to bring good luck.
I hope by now your spots have decreased in number.
Thank you so much.

hi, Ginger,
My latest blood test result is quite low refer to my new post(Low platelets,low WBC,low RBC). The red spots is mainly due to ultra low platelets. It doesn't disappear. I was told to stop Imatinib for one week to see what happens.
Thx for the support,

Dear William, Good, good luck with stopping the Imatinib for a week in hopes the spots diminish. I did have blood work when the spots appeared and my platelets were low/normal. I think my body adapted. Who knows? I also took off the jade bracelet.