EUTOS Score Validated for Predicting Treatment Outcomes With TKI Therapy

By Dave Levitan | July 12, 2013 While tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have revolutionized the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in recent years, prognosis of the disease and prediction of response to those treatments has fallen behind. A new study validates a simple prognostic score known as the EUTOS score, featuring only two variables, as a useful tool in prediction of therapeutic effects of TKIs, and especially of imatinib(Drug information on imatinib).

A new study validates a simple prognostic score known as the EUTOS score, featuring only two variables, as a useful tool in prediction of therapeutic effects of TKIs, and especially of imatinib(Drug information on imatinib).
Before TKIs were developed, the Sokal risk score was developed and used for patients receiving conventional chemotherapy for CML. In the era of interferon-alfa treatment, the Euro risk score was established. But the rapid development and adoption of imatinib and other TKIs did not bring another score system with it, and the Sokal and Euro scores were still used.