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Recently Diagnosed with CML

Me & my wife have been married for 5 years ( both age 34) & while we were about to plan for family, she got diagnosed with CML last month. Her blast cells at the time of diagnosis were 3% while the bcr-abl mutation was 49%.

She has been prescribed Dasatinib 100mg as the doctors felt that it suits our requirement more and somewhere down the lane we can think of planning family. The doctor advised us not to be scared and see this as a part of life than seeing life through the lens of cml

Initially she used to have headache on a daily basis which has normalized by now but now she is getting pimples on her face which she wasnt getting ever before ( I understand this would be a side effect of the medicine but sharing from her perspective who would not get a single spot previously now has many). Also, I find her skin somewhat more red than before ( near neck). She has been the stronger one in the two of us since ever and that continues to be so for ever. 

My few questions:

- does the medication ever stops 

- what are the do's and don'ts that would help maintain a normal lifestyle. Food to avoid etc. 

- what additional things can help (meditation, yoga, wheatgrass  I read a lot about them). Your inputs please.

- does life ever gets back to normal. 



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