Thank you for sharing this. I was diagnosed with CML in November 2021 and have been taking dasatinib since. My dose has been up and down as my body just isn’t taking to it well. I experienced all the side effects you have and still do but since lowering my dose they’re not as bad as when I was on the highest dose, if it’s possible maybe finding a balance with the dose could be beneficial
I am 28 and have also thought a lot about my future and what it means. I am not able to work full time I am still slowly increasing my hours and have had to put my plans for my career on hold for now. I have been completely honest about how I feel physically and mentally with my work and they have been so accommodating so it’s definitely made managing my illness easier in that way.
I have been told things will get easier and better but it will take time. I will definitely say the first 2 months or so were the worst and scariest but maybe in time you’ll find it will get slightly easier. Overall just listen to your body first and take each day as it comes. Praying that things do get better for you.