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EU Health Portal Multilingual Newsletter.

The Health-EU Portal started issuing last week a multilingual newsletter, which aims to better inform European citizens on what is going on in the field of health at European and international level.

"In 2006 we launched the Public Health Portal to provide high-quality,
user-friendly information on health to citizens. Building on this, the Health-EU newsletter will allow readers to receive the latest news and developments on health from a range of sources across Europe in all European languages," Health Commissioner Markos Kyprianou remarks in the newsletter's inaugural edition.

The newsletter, an electronic publication produced twice a month, is published in 20 European languages and hosts links to interactive features on public health. It aims to keep citizens updated on
health-related events and publications, conferences and campaigns, while in each edition a topic would be dedicated to a European or international day of action in the field of health.
For instance, September 14 marks the European Prostate Awareness Day and the first edition of the newsletter provides links to numerous sites focussing on this important area and on men's health in general.
Citizens and stakeholders wishing to receive the newsletter can register to its mailing list now: