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Webcast- "Monitoring and Adherence in CML"

Summary: Imatinib, or Glivec (Gleevec-USA), is a targeted anti-cancer drug that can keep chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) in check for most patients for many years. It is important for patients to take imatinib as prescribed by their doctor to fight the disease and to guard against resistance.

It is important for patients to take imatinib as prescribed by their doctor to fight the disease and to guard against resistance.


Carolyn Blasdel, RN, MA, OCN
Oregon Health and Science University Cancer Institute, Portland, Oregaon, USA

Jorge Cortes, MD
MDACC, Houston, Texas, USA.

Patricia Jakel, RN, MN, AOCN
UCLA Medical Center, Clinical Research Center, Los Angeles, USA

Michael Mauro, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portalnd, Oregon, USA.

Stephen Nimer, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, USA

Neil Shah, MD, PhD
Clinical Instructor of Hematology and Oncology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, USA

Editorial Consultant(s):

David Savage, MD
New York Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University, USA

Medically Reviewed On: December 10, 2007

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