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MMR update

I got the impression initially from some consultant haematologists that they considered the side effects suffered from different generics to be "in the minds" of their patients. I was sceptical myself until I suffered diarrhoea with the use of the Accord version of imatinib.

For my own use, I have compiled a table of comparative excipients used in the various generics. I have also added dasatinib to the list.

Cipla has fewer excipients than generics and no Macrogol (polythene glycol) which appears to be a substance used to overcome constipation. Cipla works well for me, but on the other hand so did Sandoz which contains Macrogol.

Macrogol may well be the culprit but I would love to discuss this with an informed pharmacist.

I am unsure why imatinib (and dasatinib) contain Macrogol. Presumably, the manufacturers have not added it to have a laugh.

Anyway, I have written out a hundred lines: "Never be judgmental about fellow CMLers who claim serious side effects from different generics".  



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