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Good read - Turmeric causing Iron deficiency.


This is true. To prevent it happening(I take Tasigna myself) , I drink rarely a glass of beet juice. He always helped me. I use huge amounts of curcumin, but , with this trick , I have always had stable levels of iron and other minerals in the blood.
In addition, with red beet you can always avoid another unwanted effect of curcumin: thinning of the blood from large amounts of curcumin.
I speak from my own experience.

Great!! Thanks for sharing Sorin. I will add beet juice to my kitty too!!

Thanks for posting this. Good to be aware. Study is not definitive (need more data), but I will be sure to separate my iron supplement from Curcumin and not take them together as I have done from time to time. Curcumin is metabolized pretty quickly so should be no issue.

Additional reading - This study goes back to 2008

from the abstract, "These results demonstrate that curcumin has the potential to affect systemic iron metabolism, particularly in a setting of subclinical iron deficiency. This may affect the use of curcumin in patients with marginal iron stores or those exhibiting the anemia of cancer and chronic disease."

I definitely will alter my Curcumin schedule. I won't take it with meat (meat has iron) and I will separate my curcumin by two hours to allow iron to absorb.

I have mild anemia, but good hemoglobin. I suspect I was just lucky in not taking curcumin at the same time as iron. Thanks for posting the original lead on this.

This is interesting. Prior to my CML diagnosis in 10/2018, I was taking 600mg Turmeric Curcumin from about 1/2018-8/2018. This was strictly due to joint pains following a tough bout of pneumonia, pleurisy, and two rounds of high powered antibiotics. In retrospect I was doubtless well into my CML by then, even though unfortunately no blood tests were ever taken to show it.

By the time I had my 10/2018 medical crises leading to the CML discovery, white cells were through the roof (33.5k), platelets were good (283), but hemoglobin was below normal (11). My RBC distribution width was high (18.3) and continues to rise (20.8 most recently).

Since then, even though I haven't taken the Turmeric in at least 7 months, my hemoglobin has stayed low, never rising above 12.7. Right now it's abysmally low at 7.8, and believe me I can feel it and see it.

I had never once considered Turmeric as a factor but now wonder if, along with the CML, it didn't disrupt my red cell production. Before everything happened last fall, and even the previous winter of pneumonia and endless related problems, my most recent CBC was 1/2016. Hemoglobin then was 14.8. 

With it so low now should I be taking an Iron supplement? My Hem-Onc did recommend B12, which I take nightly with a dropper. It has had no impact that I can determine. None of my doctors have expressed much concern about iron, nor really hemoglobin in general. It's usually the low neutrophils and platelets they worry about. I was tested for pernicious anemia (B12) last January and that came out 257 (reference 180-914). 

It is not possible that 6oo gm will produce a drop in iron. And you say you made a 7-month break. Repeat: it's not possible! Otherwise, we consumers of curcumin will die like flies.
I take over 12 grams (safety dose) per day when I feel the first signs. Here's what the researchers and specialists say:
As for vitamin B12, not all supplements are equal. The most important and effective for me was Jarrow Formulas, Methyl B-12, Cherry Flavor, 5000 mcg, 60 Lozenges.
The fastest process, a maximum of 1 week, iron loading of the human body is definitely beet juice. At the same time, the taste of beet juice is the gross thing I have ever drunk !! . In the first days you like it, then you take it, and then you die when you hear about it. Caution at blood sugar if you do insulin.
Luckily there are tricks to be able to drink beet juice in the long run:
- Carrot juice mixture. Carrot juice with beet juice is the most precious gift you can give your body.
- Mixing with celery juice or parsnip juice. My wife, also making my juice and experimenting, discovered that the parsnip covered the taste of the beets.
Vitamin C helps to better absorb iron.
Which helped me a lot with demineralization and devitaminization is the juice of green barley powder. Search the net and read his benefits. I took a long time, it is true what is said about it and it is also highly recommended in leukemia.

I have never had a problem with iron or feritine levels!
I have started curcumin 2 months ago(2 grams) and I take it every afternoon.
Is there a possibility to have iron deficiency?Do I have to check it?I have no symptoms....just asking....

This is all so confusing.  I have used curcumin off and on for years, mostly as an alternative to tylenol or advil.  When I was first diagnosed, the pharmacy told me not to take curcumin, but I was on several medications.  Now that I am only on Sprycel, the Accredo pharmacist told me it will inhibit Sprycel.  Yet everyone here takes it in abundance.

"Drugs metabolized by the CYP3A4 enzyme: Curcumin inhibits cytochrome 3A4 enzyme, altering the metabolism of some prescription drugs (26)."

With my numbers still high, I've decided to not take it at all.  Now I'm wondering if that was impacting my low iron #'s.

Curcumin is an excellent supplement to be taking for CML as well as for general health.

It is metabolized very quickly by the liver as is sprycel. Curcumin enhances dasatinib action.

I have been taking Curcumin in large dose initially for over 10 years alongside dasatinib. Your Accredo pharmacist is not correct.

The fact that curcumin 'may' inhibit cytochrome 3A4 enzyme somewhat will enhance dasatinib not the opposite. Regardless, separating the two by 12 hours (Curcumin morning, dasatinib evening) will insure no interaction in any event. I have taken both at the same time and at different times. I no longer take dasatinib (TFR), but I continue to take Curcumin.

Scuba I accidentally read that curcumin may cause iron deficiency or low platelets level....I take curcumin(2 gram) every afternoon....never with lunch or dinner.Is it possible to have problem with my iron?My platelets before starting curcumin were 240...