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joint pain


I new to this so here a quick background.

May 2016 diagnosed with breast cancer - surgery and radiation - been cancer free 3 years Was place on Tamoxifen.

August 2019 had a total abdominal hysterectomy. changed Tamoxifen to Femarra.

Dec 2019 diagnosed with CML.  Started taking Hydrea for a week them they added Sprycel.  Now on just Sprycel every other day.

Joint started when I started Femarra, but got worse when they added Sprycel. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can do for the joint pain?

They took me off Femarra 2 weeks ago and the pain has gotten worse.

Hi Beaners!
The first thing I can suggest you is to take curcumin and magnisium. Also check your vitamin D levels and if it is under 50 take a vitamin D3 supplament until you go around 70!
If you do a small research in the forum you will find posts of other cmlers exactly for the same subject. Scuba is very very informed for this subject to!

I'm on Sprycel and yes it causes joint pain . I take a multi vitamin, vitamin D3, potassium, Branch Chain Amino Acids, Magnesium, Calcium and Taurine for muscle cramps and my Hematologist prescribed Naprosyn 250mg 3x a day wich is Aleve . The Aleve works a little bit for the swelling and pain. After going to many doctors they couldnt find anything wrong with me. No arthritis or anything and no help with the pain so I looked around and have tried CBD cream on my joints and it works wonders for me. I can't smoke marijuana it makes me paranoid and I dont like the high feeling. The CBD cream has no THC in it and works wonders for the joint pain.