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Reminder: Order your meds in good time


Hi all,

Covid19's main impact for CML folk would appear to be in disrupted supply chains and distracted staff in the supply chain. 

I started to try to get more imatanib over 10 days ago, a process which usually took 48 hours at most. There was no imatanib in any pharmacy in my state and thankfully I have support of my global insurance company who have sourced it from government stocks. But its still not with me yet and I've temporarily reduced to 300mg (from 400mg) in order to string out my supply. Not a fun situation. I was lulled in to a false sense of security by a rapid response to my request for meds at the start of the crisis and the fact that no other shortages have been apparent. 

I realise many on this forum are UK based and have the power of the NHS behind them but I figure the NHS are pretty distracted too. My advice would be to make sure you have 1-2 months forward supply till at least the end of the year.