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Vitamin K2 and g6pd deficiency


Hi all!!I take K2 200mcg .I ve started 2 months ago.Before buying the vitamin I asked my pharmacist if it is OK to take it because I have g6pd deficiency.She checked the list and told me that is OK.I Accidentally read in an article that people with g6pd deficiency is better not to take K2.Is anybody in these forum that can help Me?
I am in tfr and I take all the supplements that Scuba suggested and every thing goes perfect until now...I do not want to stop it with no reason....please help!!

Please link to the article you read regarding K2 and G6PD deficiency.

I would be surprised to see that there is a contraindication.

In fact, K2 is vital for bone, artery health and very important in leukemia. See link below:

Hi Scuba !This is the link...I can not put the link with another way...sorry....I found and some others.....I am so confused...

The reply to the Quora question is not correct - and the author even suggests same.

Vitamin K2 is an anti-oxidant and will do the opposite.

"Novel role of vitamin k in preventing oxidative injury"

Do not be confused. Vitamin k2 is necessary and vital for anti-leukemic action as well as move calcium properly (prevent soft tissue calcification).

Eating fermented foods is the best way to get K2 - but if not, supplement accordingly so you obtain at least 200 mcg per day.

🤔🤔 I am confused now.....Every research writes that vitamin K is an oxidant and only vitamin E and C is antioxidant.You can take vitamin E but not Vitamin C.But why both of them are antioxidants....
For now I ll try two take vitamin K from food....I think it is not so hard...

I take Vitamin D3/K2.  Two birds, one stone.  Or one vitamin.  Here's a great read:

I f i understand right You mean that you take vitamin k from food?

I take 200 mcg vitamin K2 (which is not the same as vitamin K1) in supplement form.

I also eat Natto regularly (it is an acquired taste like scotch is an acquired taste). A typical small bowl of Natto contains upwards of 400 mcg per day.

The more K2 you ingest (up to about 800 mcg) the more osteocalcin you make and the greater the benefits. 200 mcg (MK-7 form) is the minimum amount to trigger the enzyme reactions in sufficient quantity to be of benefit. Eating fermented foods such as Natto is the best way to get vitamin K2 (as MK-7).

The link below explains the differences between the different forms of vitamin K2. The most active form of K2 is MK-7, but the other forms are helpful too.

Before I started taking K2 and eating Natto (remember: an acquired taste), I was developing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. It was getting bad (high blood pressure when exercising). Once I started my K2 program, about a year later I reduced calcium in my arteries by over 76%. The following year it was gone. I have tested normal ever since with regard to artery calcium. It's just biochemistry.

The benefit of K2 regarding leukemia is more complex involving the interplay between vitamin D and K2 inside the bone marrow and blood/bone stem cells. That will require a much longer post.

(most people are very deficient in K2 and don't know it because they tend not to eat fermented foods. Our ancestors ate fermented foods all of the time - no refrigeration or chlorinated water and had plenty of K2 in their diet. We don't, so supplementing is the best way to get K2 regularly.)

So the best way to have enough K2 from food is eating natto with my lunch every day...I think this is the best way to take up to 200mcg every day

Natto every day is a good choice!

but it is hard for me to do 'every' day. Most days I manage when home.

This is a good overview of vitamins/mineral supplementation. Fueling the immune system for the 21st Century Orthomolecular News


Your link provides a very good list and summary:

Suggested adult doses:

Vitamin C: 500-1000 mg, 3 times daily (more to bowel tolerance if sick)
Vitamin D3: 5000 IU/day (maintain plasma vitamin D level in the 40 - 80 ng/ml range)
Vitamin K2: 100 mcg/d
Magnesium 400 mg/d (in malate, citrate, chelate, or chloride form)
Niacin / niacinamide 200 - 1000 mg/day
Zinc, 20 mg/day
Copper 2 mg/day (along with zinc, in chelates orotate, or gluconate form)
Selenium: 100-200 mcg/day, as selenium yeast, selenite, or Se-methyl-L-selenocysteine

But I would modify the doses a bit based on research on minimum needed for efficacy:

  • Vitamin K2 should be taken at a 200 mcg/d dose MINIMUM. More is better in this case up to about 800 mcg/d. Vitamin K2 (as MK-7 menanquinone) effects calcium transport in a dose dependent manner. This process begins to exceed calcium depositing in soft tissue at 200 mcg/d. To reverse calcium deposition in the arteries and soft tissue more K2 is needed. A 50 gram small bowl of Natto contains upward of 400 mcg of K2. 200 mcg/day is fine as maintenance once calcium balance has been restored (takes a few years at higher dose to accomplish). Keep in mind our ancestors ate non-sterilized food (lots of bacteria!) - and were likely getting plenty of K2 naturally.
  • Selenium should be taken as methyl-L-selenocysteine for best action. 200 mcg/day is a "minimum" for anti-cancer properties of selenium. If you eat Brazil nuts, avoid supplements on the days you eat them. Only two-three are sufficient for plenty of selenium. Eating too many Brazil nuts can lead to selenium toxicity. More is not better when it comes to selenium and Brazil nuts.

I wish I had known this list (especially D, K2 & selenium) before I was diagnosed with CML. I have little doubt I would have avoided CML completely if I had followed the above nutrition/supplement guidelines. Vitamin D is the most important level to monitor in your blood by far. KNOW your blood level and then supplement accordingly to keep it in the 70 - 100 ng/ml range.