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Test results read any help please ?

Hello everyone new here I got some blood work done checking for CML but the test results I cant really make sense of them any help would be appreciated .

b2a2 is <0.0032

b3a2 is <0.0032

e1a2 is <0.0032

Cant read them at all any help would be appreciated 

I am pretty sure these are fantastic results for you to celebrate. b2a2, b3a2 and e1a2 are the common types of mutation which define CML. If these are all at >0.0032%, they are below the limit of detection of the test process which effectively means that the test has not found any trace of CML in you blood sample. It would be good to know that these results are noted as %IS - meaning that they are calibrated against the International Scale for comparability between different test sites. 

A little more information would help confirm all this - when were you diagnosed, what treatment are you taking, and what were your previous results?

Hope that helps

The dr thought I might have CML no official diagnosis yet I think that’s why the tests 

No treatment at all

previous results it says N/A 

 thank you for your time 

I was trying to upload a picture of my test results but can’t add it says im not authorized to post media 


They all have IS% is that good?

Hi. The  IS% means that the lab is part of a scheme which makes all the results from different labs around the world comparable, so yes it is good.

PCR test is not usually used for intial diagnosis of CML, so I am not sure what else to say. PCR is more commonly used to monitor patients once they have been diagnosed and on treatment to make sure that the disease remains controlled.

I think you need to talk to the doctor who ordered the test.

It is important to say that the vast majority of people who are diagnosed with CML today will respond to treatment and eventually, after a normal lifespan, will die with CML, not from CML.

If I understand what you wrote, you had blood work done and they checked for CML?

Why did they check for CML, did you have symptoms? Most important, what was your CBC results (i.e. blood counts). Are your white blood cell counts in the normal range(s)?

If you did not have CML symptoms AND your blood counts are "normal", then having a test for CML made no sense.

Any PCR test result (i.e. b2a2, b3a2, etc.) < 0.01 is indistinguishable from "undetected" statistically. This is a false positive in your case and meaningless - especially since you are not undergoing treatment for CML. This is why your report has the three numbers all the same.

Without a CBC report, it's hard to know if something else is going on with your blood which led the doctor to order the tests.

They decided to send me to a specialist they are the ones who ordered the blood work for cml

the dr asked any symptoms no symptoms at all

my wbc has always been high for years the dr finally decided wbc should not be high all the time sent me to a specialist 

So I’m ok it’s just a false positive? 
thank you everyone for taking your time 

I’m just very scared and anxious about it 

the specialist isn’t in until the 19 th so for now I just have the results to read on my own 


WBC 17.5 high

Platelets 461 high

Neutrophils absolute 12.5 high

lymphs absolute 3.7 high

RBC  5.49 

Dear Worried,

It does not appear that you have blood work results consistent with undiagnosed CML. CML is definitively diagnosed with a bone marrow biopsy. For example, at diagnosis my WBC was over 350,000 and my platelets were 1.25 million. Your leukocytes and neutrophils are slightly high but that might just be indicative of an infection. Good luck!

I think there is a little bit of misunderstanding here.

These tests looked for CML, and the “lower than 0.0032%” is a bit of a misnomer. Many labs have a sensitivity cut-off at 0.0032%, and the way they report the numbers means that result should be read as “negative” for the test, rather than positive at a level under 0.0032%. It’s just a quirk of how many labs report and this is in my experience is more common in the USA.

Congratulations, you don’t have CML.

I am in the same situation with the same numbers I am confused