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Any ideas


It has been a while,any ideas from 10/2022 and on .

20 Mg Sprycel
08/2018 thru 02/2019
PCR 0.000

New Doctor
20 Mg Sprycel
06/07/2022 PCR 0.298
10/24/2022 PCR 78.921

Returned to 50 Mg Sprycel
12/05/2022 PCR 6.954
01/31/2023 PCR 3.426
05/22/2023 PCR 10.1

I think the first step would be to look for mutations. I would also consider a switch to Nilotinib as Sprycel appears not to be working as intended. I made a switch from Sprycel to Nilotinib and it made a difference. If it were me, I would not wait three months between tests until this was figured out.

Blimey I echo everything ColoradoGuy says. It’s important to move on from CML when the goings good but it’s also a reminder it’s never a given this is proof that resistance can emerge which is why increasing dose dropped you back down, but it’s a bit of a weird one because time and time again on here they say more Sprycel is counterproductive, this clearly shows in some cases it isn’t, and that body is more complex or the dynamics of CML I should say are not so black and white.

A mutation analysis wouldn’t hurt, it’s a scary test I had it once and I was so sick with worry only to be returned as “they found nothing”.

A drug switch is inevitable for most CMLers at some point I believe just some sooner than some
others. I have no doubt you’ll find a dosage that kicks it’s butt or a different angle of attack (drug change)
