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Hi everyone

Just wanted to share a personal milestone with you all. After diagnosis five and a half years ago, I have just had an ‘undetected’ blood result!!!
I know it’s only one but it means so much and I want to tell others not to ever give up hope.
I have been taking 400mg Bosutinib for over four years and would like to ask if anyone has any advice or views on a possible dose reduction? I know I am nowhere near TFR but I have been considering asking my dr if she would agree to a slight reduction just to see how I am able to tolerate it.
Any comments would be appreciated.

Thanks to everyone on this forum for all sharing all your stories and words of encouragement, they have definitely helped me along my journey.



You could certainly consider a dose reduction, but if you are not experiencing side effects, consider staying the course for one more test to confirm your new status. After that, dose reduction is a good option.

Hi Diane; Congratulations on your first undetected result; especially after five and a half years.

Your doctor will likely want to see at least a few more undetected results before initiating dosage reduction but it's always good to broach the subject to see where they stand on the dosage reduction issue; not all oncs/hematologists believe in dosage reduction. If yours doesn't don't hesitate to find one that does.

When you begin dosage reduction it shouldn't be necessary for you to do extra monthly testing, as most oncs/hematologists seem to want, as you will still be taking a substantial amount of TKI (Bosutinib 300mg) and your BCR-ABL1 percentage isn't going to go anywhere quickly. When you are ready to begin dosage reduction, reducing your dosage four weeks prior to your next PCR test will help provide you with initial reassurance that your are on the right track with your first test after reduction..

When I did dosage reduction years ago, I reduced my Gleevec 400mg dosage 50mg at a time with every quarterly test; this resulted in dosage reduction over a long and arduous two year period. I think you can do it over a much shorter period, 100mg at a time. .

Wishing you the very best on your continuing journey,