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Silvio Berlusconi CML meds

I did a cursory search for Silvio Berlusconi today on google looking to find what drug he was taking for his CML. He died last June of a lung infection most likely due in part to his condition. I was wondering if his drug regiment spurred things on. Since I am in the US I thought maybe some of the folks here on the other side of the pond heard of anything being that you are closer to Europe. Just curious as I do believe lung infections are one of the many possible side effects of the drugs we have to take and endure. Silvio seemed to always be in the news in the last few decades and then out of nowhere he seemed to drop out of site in the last decade or at least not hog the airwaves as much. Wondering if that is when he contracted the disease putting the brakes on his celebrity……

This was widely misreported. Berlusconi had Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukaemia, which is CMML not CML. Many news outlets described it as CML, not knowing any better.

CML and CMML are really quite different and do not share treatment pathways.


Yes I am familiar with this form. Thank you for the clarification David.

Pojo, to be clear … CMML is not a “form” of CML, it just shares a similar sounding name. They are quite unrelated.

I want to be clear on this because we often have patients wondering if they are the same. But they are not. A patient diagnosed with CMML has very little in common with a CML patient.
