Hello. Hope you all are doing well.
I have been on 50mg sprycel daily for the last two years, and lately been having some issues like chills, dizziness, tinnitus and muscle/join pain. Dizziness and tinnitus started about 2 weeks ago, and been having muscle/join pain the last 8 weeks.
I have also been battling a cold on and off for about 8 weeks, and now 2 weeks ago i got Covid. I also must mention i had a bad round of depression and bad anxiety (fight or flight) about 8 weeks ago, lasting 2 whole weeks. I think the anxiety is because my sister died of breast cancer 11 months ago, she was a young woman in her 30`s, with 2 small children to care for, and this has hit me very hard.
I went to the doctor, she took a blood samples (they said they checked "everything") and they came back 1 week ago, all levels well within reference, and everything was normal, except my TSH, which was slightly above the reference value. (The test was taken in the morning, before i took my sprycel)
My question is: Could my elevated TSH levels be the cause of my chills, dizziness, tinnitus and muscle/join pain or is it more likely something from the covid? (Or maybe both?) I seem to just have a "minor cold" left from the covid now, but my above symptoms are still with me, they come and go from day to day.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks
My PCR Values:
Month - PCR
01 - 76 Started Imatinib 400mg
02 - 13
03 - 3
06 - 0,1
09 - 0,02
12 - 0,03
15 - 0,04
18 - 0,01
21 - 0,01
24 - 0,01
27 - 0,03
30 - 0,01
33 - 0,03
36 - 0,01
39 - 0,01
42 - 0,01
45 - 0,01
48 - 0,01
51 - PCRU
54 - 0,015
57 - PCRU
62 - 0,020
63 - 0,020
66 - PCRU
69 - 0,018
72 - 0,007
75 - 0,004
78 - 0,004
81 - 0,017
84 - PCRU
87 - 0,004
90 - PCRU
92 - PCRU
94 - 0,005 - Switch Sprycel 50mg
97 - PCRU
101 - 0,002
105 - PCRU
108 - PCRU
112 - 0,004
115 - 0,012
118 - PCRU