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Fasting and imatinib


Hi everyone

I have read with a great deal of interest the exceptionally interesting posts by scuba regarding fasting on dasatinib and the possibility of hitting the quiescent CML cells hard.  However, there have been many comments from people on this site suggesting that fasting is impossible on imatinib and the instructions in the package insert state to take it with a large meal.

Earlier this week, due to circumstances beyond my control, I accidentally took my 400mg of imatinib without eating (my last meal was approximately eight hours earlier).  Absolutely nothing happened.  I am therefore wondering what the risk is of fasting on imatinib: is it because taking it on an empty stomach causes nausea or is it because its efficacy is somehow reduced by not eating?

If it is the former, I am prepared to try fasting for three days and seeing whether I can strike at those quiescent cells!  I'm committed to trying everything in my power to rid myself of CML.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as always.

Best wishes and thanks in advance


Hi Martin. 

The advice to take imatinib with food is down to the fact that a fair amount of people feel nauseous if it's taken on an empty stomach. I know I certainly did feel a bit squiffy unless I took it with at least something small to eat.  

Whether you are full or empty has no bearing on the efficacy of imatinib, however. 


Hi David

Thank you so much, as always, for your quick and helpful reply.  I'm going to give it a try over this festive season and start fasting after Christmas.  Will let everyone know how it goes!

Happy holidays.

Best wishes


Martin I'm wondering how your fast went after Christmas.  I to am on Imatinib and would like to do the fast. Thank You Ray