Hi. I was diagnosed November 14th 2019 and have had at least 4 massages in those 6? weeks. It’s totally possible that there are circulatory or other issues the massage therapist is concerned about, but I’ve made massage a huge part of my life post Dx. I have had acupuncture as well. I haven’t heard any restrictions on any activity with my CML.
Maybe there are other factors that would make massage unsafe for you, but it is a major stress reducer for me, and I need as much stress reduction as I can get these days.
As far as facials are concerned, I am discovering that my skin is VERY sensitive on dasatinib and products I’ve been using for years now burn my skin. So personally I am going to avoid facials.
it also doesn’t sound ok to me that your Dr is kind of washing his hands of the situation....
Maybe show information on other cancer centers that endorse massage? I’ve pasted a link below from Penn Medicine where I am being treated.