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Peanut Butter stool on Tasigna


I have been on 800mg of Tasigna per day for a little over 2.5 months. I have experienced a few side effects in that time. A few have come and gone. One that seems to be hanging around is what I would call ‘Peanut Butter Pooh’. Has anyone else experienced this and if so does it resolve itself in time or am I destined to be stuck with this annoying affect for a while? As side effects go I have had much worse but this one is just annoying as it screws with my usually good regularity.

You could try change the time you take the pill.e.g 12 at noon and 12 at midnight...

Is the logic behind those times maybe to eat breakfast early around 7 or 8am. Skip lunch and then eat dinner perhaps around 5 or 6pm. So take the pill when there is little food in the system. This way there will be nothing to extract water from in the stomach.?

Eg eat your breakfast at 8 in the morning take your pill at 12 in noon after 1 hour I think you can eat your lunch .Then you can eat your dinner at about 9:30 and take your pill at 12 in midnight.I think you must not eat 2 hours before and one after you take it....find the time that is better for you.whith this way your stack won't be totally empty.I is better that way

Ok I will give it a try. Thanks. I’ll let you know how it works.

Pojo, I have the same irritating problem and I'm on less than 1/2 your dose. I take mine at 10am and 9:30pm. I think one issue is that nilotinib is excreted in feces and not through the kidneys.

Interesting. I never would have guessed there was a difference of how it leaves the body but it makes sense. Thanks Hanni.