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Hey everyone,

Thought I’d share my latest result down again to 0.018 so very close to MR4 now which I am delighted about.

4.5 years a slow but steady trend down apart from one blip 2.5 years ago. Hopefully this encourages many other “slow” responders.

Hoping you’re all keeping and doing well on your own journeys too.


Really good news Alex, I am sure your example of a 'slow' responder will encourage others who might not be seeing 'fast' responses. Sandy

That’s fantastic Alex. Congratulations!


That's great Alex.  I had a bump up recently from 0.017, 0.017, 0.015, to 0.032.  Not concerned as it would not be the first time that I have a bump (some higher than this) but hope to hit double zeroes soon.  

From one turtle to another, congratulations, alex!

Happy news Alex, thank you for letting us know. It will definitely encourage other turtles on their way down.

These are the zeros we all love.smiley May you continue on this downward journey.


Thank you Sandy. I hope you’re doing well yourself too!

Hey buddy! Yea those bumps are never nice but as you say nothing we’ve not seen before. You’ll no doubt be back or lower still soon! Unrealistic to always get a down “ups” are inevitable I think. Glad your’e almost MR4 too!

Haha thank you! Yes it’s a marathon not a sprint 😂

Thank you Sunny. Chasing those wonderful zeros. I am just grateful I am MMR anything else is really a bonus. Be nice to try a TFR attempt one day should I go lower one day. Hope you’re keeping well also!

Thank you Alex, I am fine. Regarding TFR, it seems to be like the holy grail we all aspire to. Great if you can achieve it and stay there. Now I have a confession to make: my consultant suggested TFR after me being 3 years undetected. I didn't jump to it, and we settled for a 'compromise': take the pill on alternate days (dasatinib 20mg).

I think a lot of it got to do with our state of mind. I know TFR does work for some of us, and it is certainly good for your body if you can avoid taking any toxic substance (albeit only mildly toxic, as the TKIs are). But I see my little pill as my security blanket and I don't want to let go. Not yet....

As usual, all the best to you Alex,



Go Turtles!  I remembered when you were a newbie.  A writer was born!