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Is it okay to drink my greens?


Quick question for the group - do we see any issue with consuming blended spinach and romaine and celery with a small amount of fruit? Fruit is usually apple or banana and a splash of lemon juice. I am not the biggest veggie eater and I find I am able to get my daily veggies most consistently this way. I’m interested to know if this could mess with my medication absorption. I am currently taking asciminib

I cannot answer the question about asciminib absorption.

However, I believe juicing can break up the fiber in the vegetables and fruit. The fiber is very important for a strong microbiome.

And some doctors believe the act of chewing releases enzymes which help with the nutrient content.

Although he focuses more on heart health and not cml, it is still worth reading what his thoughts are for overall health. And I believe some TKIs can have detrimental effects on the heart as a side effect.