Hi everyone
This is just an update on my involuntary TFR attempt: in brief, I experienced severe, late-onset side effects from 400mg imatinib 8 years after diagnosis and this necessitated my stopping treatment.
After 8 months off all drugs, my latest PCR test has once again shown BCR-Abl of 0.003% (MR 4.5 and a really good place to be). It has stayed at this low level and seems to be well controlled.
It's way too soon to hope that I may be functionally cured and off the drugs forever, but I just wanted to update everyone and say that there is hope at the end of this long road! My disease course has been anything but uncomplicated, and I never imagined that I could reach this point, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts. I'm still expecting the fairytale to end and that I'll have to go back on treatment sometime, but for now I've bought a big bag of grapefruit to enjoy for the next few days.
Best wishes to everyone from South Africa