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My oncologist said, for the first time in last 15 years, the report of creatinine came...

Once in every 3 months..[CBC report and Creatinine report]

Why report creatinine every 3 months?

Oncologist said- new rules make creatinine report mandatory every 3 months

Any member comment...

Why creatinine report every 3 month?

Last 15 year no creatinine report...

Everything is good.....
Latest PCR also undetectable...[10/2011 to 3/2023 ] every PCR report undetectable...

Creatinine levels are checked every 3 months in the UK with regular blood tests. Imatinib is known to raise creatinine levels and mine hav ecertainly been raised for a few years. However, research in Singapore ( I think) concluded that when a patient is able to go treatment free, the creatinine levels revert to normal. My consultant isn't worried about my level;s. I read an article a couple of weeks ago that explained why the creatinine levels rise and it's something to do with the imatinib blocking something ( I am not a doctor so excuse vagueness on this one) but it seems not to cause a problem with our kidneys. Hope this helps,
Best ,

Thank for your valuable reply

Why Every 3 month?

Every CML person require this test??

Only imtanib.....?

I can only say what happens with me - diagnosed Sept 2009. Creatinine levels are measured as part of the 3 monthly blood test checking our kidneys, liver etc - and I think it's the same for all UK patients. We get a ful blood test and also our BCR ABL tested every 3 months here - until we have had very low results for some time then some doctors are happy to go to 6 monthly testing. My haematologist still wants bloods tested every 3 months although I am hovering bewteen undetectable (0.0000%) to MR4 - 0.0034% ( my latest result of last week).
Hope that helps