Hi everyone,
I posted not so long ago about my joint pain.
My question was not so much who had joint pain as that’s a common side effect of TKI but how many of you started experiencing joint pain much longer after commencing TKI, I am approaching 5 and a half years on Nilotinib 600mg and I’d say the last 6 months the joint pain is quite noticeable in certain areas, now you could argue it’s my age but being the tender age of 43 it’s unlikely. Lately I wake up aching pretty much everywhere and feel like a 80 year old man at times (no offence to those who are).
Last test result 0.014% nigh on MR4
Just started taking 200mg of Magnesium Citrate to see if that helps at all. Been on those about 2 weeks no noticeable difference as yet. I have noticed though I seem to be sleeping much deeper which is just amazing if it is that. I may increase to 400mg if that’s safe to do so and see if that can help.
Many thanks and hope you’re all doing fine?