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TKI-induced diarrhoea after stomach bug



I picked up a stomach bug while on holiday and am still experiencing diarrhoea several weeks later. It's undoubtably the TKI that's causing it now, because my stomach always starts cramping a couple of hours after taking it and after a few more hours settles down (particularly after visiting the toilet!). If I move when I take my TKI, the cramping/diarrhoea window also moves.

I've never had a problem with this brand of Dasatinib (Sprycel) before, so I'm wondering if this is just gut inflammation from the bug or a new long term side effect?

I don't know if others have experience of this, or how to deal with it (including TKI-induced diarrhoea in general).

Would a drug break help, or is it a case of just trying to ride it out?


Hi Phil,
Ironically i’ve just amended an holiday we’re going on shortly, because of continuous write ups about the possibility of norovirus running rife through the hotel, I checked on the repercussions of myself ( Cml for last 9 years) and the check showed any type of gastro type virus could last for a few days, to a few months! So apart from seeking the obvious, doctors advice, its a be patient and hopefully it will gradually get better with time.


Hi Peter,

Thanks. I went to the GP and got tested, turned out I'd contracted "Cryptosporidium", which I'd never heard of before. My family were over it in a few days. I've started to get better in the last couple of weeks, but it took me a lot longer. My dasatinib was definitely aggravating things – whenever I took my pill an episode of the cramps came on like clockwork 1-2 hours later, followed by a trip to the toilet. When I moved the time I took my pills, the cramps followed suit.

Anyway, things are returning to normal now, which is a relief ...
