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Kidney function cystatin c test in UK.


Hi everyone, your experience of getting the cystatin c test in UK would be appreciated.
In other threads there is talk of kidney function tests being misleading due to imatinib reducing the removal of creatinine from the blood which leads to poor serum creatinine test (too high ) and eGFR test (too low ).
As said elsewhere, a 2016 investigation showed that the poor kidney function test results in some cml patients on imatinib, was solely due to the high level of creatinine due to imatinib and not the kidney function. Effectively giving a false poor reading.
As my kidney function has gone from a lifelong reasonable result to less than good after 6 months of 400mg imatinib, I am thinking that the cystatin c kidney function test as recommended by the 2016 investigation would be a good idea as it does not measure creatinine. This may show (I hope) that the kidneys are ok and importantly, that no kidney medication is needed.
However..... the cystatin c kidney test does not seem to be normally available in the UK. Has anyone in the uk had this test , and how did you get it??
The 2016 research is here :-

Many thanks in advance. I am in worcester Uk by the way.

Thanks for this posting
Having been on imatinib for 17 years my creatinine level and gfr has steadily declined -especially over the last few years . Currently my specialist and my GP are concerned about the apparent levels that indicate mild to moderate kidney damage (gfr 45-59 range plus raised creatinine levels).
I am going to ask my specialist if the cystatin c kidney test is available and then report back
Thanks again for your alert

Just a follow up on this
The cystatin c test is available in UK and has been approved for use under NICE guidance-apparently in cases where for various reasons the usual urine,creatinine and gFr scores may be unreliable;such as effect of a specific drug (i.e. imatinib).Processing time is about 5 days I have been told.
I suspect you may need to" educate" your GP surgery and or your specialist re related research on this- some time ago I suggested (from some research papers) to my specialist that long term use of imatinib might lead to renal decline but he denied this.
Will post again

Thanks for these posts. I had a fasting cholesterol a few months ago and the kidney function test taken at the same time indicated a minor issue - although it might have been that I was dehydrated as I had not had my usual two mugs of tea by 8.20 a.m. when the samples were taken. As I have been taking imatinib for most of the last 17 years I have as John suggests "educated" my GP on this issue, and he has just ordered some further tests. I will advised outcome.

Any updates? I think I also have some similar issues, although I'm still "only" 5 years on imatinib.