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Flu Jab

Hi, im recently diagnosed with CML, being treated with Imatinib. Is it ok to have a flu jab?, there seems to be conflicting info. Im dyslexic so may well have missed a thread on this, please bear with me. AJ

Absolutely fine to have the flu jab with CML, with the general caveat that your blood counts are in a normal range.


Thanks David, understandably its all been a bit of a shock, i have a great Haematologist but i havent got a grip on the numbers game yet, people seem to be reporting them in a different format to him, but obviously its early days for me. i will see where i am when the flu jabs roll out, but thanks again.

There are a few different ways to report the numbers for CML, but it’s really just a difference of language rather than a different way of reporting it. The end result is the same.

Imagine one person says 13:00 and the other says 1pm. To an outsider they look totally different, but they’re the same thing.

You might find your doctor is talking in “log reductions” rather than % figures or something like that, but it’s all easily converted. We can help you with that, no prob!

You can read more about CML testing in our booklet about testing:


Hi David, and again, thank you, i now understand so much better, and would think that my Doctor is reporting using log reductions, makes far more sense to this rather addled brain of mine, reassurance is such a big aspect of looking forward for me, im only 2 months into finding out i didnt have long covid! I have a blood test in a couple of weeks, and a telephone appt so i will hopefully be much calmer and able to understand where things are going. I know there is so much reading i could do, and finding this forum has already been excellent thanks to you (!), situation normal feels so far away, but i will get there.