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How to improve haemoglobin levels when on Imatinib

I have been on Imatinib 400mg for three years.
Recently, my haemoglobin levels have dropped to 130Hb.
My consultant isn't too concerned at present as result is expected for my treatment.
Has the Forum recommendations for ways to safely increase my haemoglobin levels?

Thanking you

Has anyone come across "Beetroot Therapy "?!

The Birmingham laboratory's Hb range is 130 to 171. Long before I was diagnosed with CML, I naturally sat at the bottom end.

Now, I range from 120 to 129, even with week-to-week variations.

On one occasion, my iron was low, and I had an infusion. More recently, my B12 was low, and I was directed to take a daily B12 tablet.

I was taking 2g of metformin a day for diabetes, and haematology requested my GP to reduce that to 1 gram.

Haematology, for me, does monitor all of the surrounding factors.

Whilst a GP considers low haemoglobin "abnormal" and a diabetes nurse considers low haemoglobin terrible, haematology is quite relaxed.

I am unsure whether diet makes much difference except that iron, B12 and folate may enter the equation.