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Corticosteroids cream

Hi everyone!
The last month I have dermatitis(eczema) to different places on my body.My dermatologist gave me o corticosteroid cream(propiogenta) to apply and it helps a lot.
My question is ,is there a possibility of interaction with my tki?(I take sprycel 70mg)My doc have told me that if Don t take a drug from the mouth or intravenous it doesn t bother us.But I am a little bit anxious because I use the cream a 20 days in a row(not at the same spot).
Anyone had a similar experience ?

You're pretty safe with topical (on the skin) stuff. For example, ketaconazole (Nizoral) can interact with TKIs, but only the pill type and not the shampoo one that is for dandruff control.

The advice you have been given is similar to what I have been told for skin creams.


Thanks David!
I thought so.... But because I have to keep applying the cream until it goes away,and i use it for sometime I thought it is better to ask just to be sure....
Thanks a lot!

Always a good idea to check, and ask your doctor or even better ask your specialist pharmacist if you have one.


You could try hydrocortisone cream 1% w/w (or up to 5%) or a betnovate cream -and alternate it with the existing prescription perhaps, as constant use of the same cream day after day can lead to thinning of the skin medium term.

Can I find this cream as a brand or they make it in the pharmacy?

You’ll find it in any pharmacy. Super common.