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Reduced Dossage


Hi all,  I've been on Tasig from Dec 2012.  19 of 22 have been 0.00.  I probably should have been in a trial for elimination of the drug but the Dr was not interested.  No question this is a miracle drug with side effects that vary.  I was on 4 150mg but the body couldn't handle it and eventually went down to 2 @ 150mg 1/2 dosage. The one time I had a stressful event in my life I was borderline so they pushed me back to 3 for the last 2 years and have been 0,00 or close to that but still in complete MMR.  Since my doctor has moved on to Tasigna to work for them I have a new Dr who says I should be on 150 x4.  I will be consulting with a new Dr and have gone down to 2 a day @ 150 mg.  Within 3 days I was feeling much better.  I see limited downside based on all of red on the subject.  I'm tested every 3 months.  I will probably keep this regiment until the results say different.  All blood panels have been normal.  Would just like opinions since Glevac is going generic and if too many people reduce are able to reduce or leave the drug for good Novartus will be happy and sad meaning the $1.7 Billion in revenue for them will go down.  Closest thing to a cure and amazing.          

I started on 600 MG/day at Dx in October 2016; hit MMR in less than 90 days.  Due to some unusual and fairly serious side effects, my oncologist authorized a series of fairly rapid dose reductions to 450, then 300 and then 150 mg/day which I have been on for about 9 months now. PCR for the past year has been either undetected or <0.003% which is essentially undetected.  No way should you go back to full dose - in fact, you should go down to 150 mg/day like me and then even think about cessation - I believe you are qualified.  I have to wait at least another 6 months.

Show your new doc the DESTINY trial results and shown him this:

If he insists on you going back to full dose, find another doc