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Pcr 0.188% Mmr not yet but not worried thanks to cml support uk.anything below pcr 1 and not rising is i right? Recently i'm started taking selenium selenite 200 mcg also taking d3+k2-7.At diagnosis my tlc was 492(normal 4-10).Hoping for the best.thanks to you all for the pillar of support and through and depth of knowlege of cml.Be in touch.

I am right around the same timeframe as yourself (25 months) and also have not reached MMR. Last result was 0.34 (steady).

I am not worried right now as I understand it being under 1 (closer to 0) offers similar overall survival as MMR. Of course I'm always hoping to reach MMR at my next appointment but keeping it in perspective and watching for no numbers climbing and not going above 1.0.

What is your age if you dont mind me asking. My oncologist feels hanging around at CCyR and watching to see trend as it happens. If it does climb there are other options but wants to see a drop from a plateau.

I am not concerned.

Question to both of you: are your results on the International Standard?

PS. I have been told by more than one eminent CML specialist that under 1% is not a bad place to be and does not indicate future progression.

Hi david,
Yes pcr report are in (is).
Thanks David
Regard vijay

I'm 33 yr 7 months.
Thanks and best wishes for you.

Hi David
I'm facing problem with log in through google id.
Once again thanks David for your support and kindness.

If you are having log-in troubles (can’t be that bad if you can post!) get in touch with me directly from the “About Us” - “Contact Us” menu and we can talk there and sort it out.


David - That is correct it is on International Scale.  I, and everybody else hanging out in CCyR is hoping to eventually cross that 0.1 barrier but I too have read from a number of sources that it has not shown a different overall survival outlook than MMR.  I would like to get to ND and TFR one day but for now just pressing on.  The good news is that I have no side effects other than the occasional day when I feel like I slept 30 seconds the night before on my drive home from work.  lol.  Take care.

Actually I'm also in the same situation. I'm now at 27months into Imatinib and my latest PCT results is still at 0.2% (IS).

It is "steadily" dropping but really at a slow rate. Half a year ago, it was at 0.3%. One year ago, was 0.4%. I have not reached the supposed <0.1% . To be honest, I am worried. Doctor is asking if I would like to increase my dosage of Imatinib from 400mg to 600mg. Risk of not achieving <0.1% and lower, would increase my risk of losing my CCyR.


What do u think?

Hi, I wouldn't increase the dose it will only increase the side effects and it's you who has to cope with them not your doc.Why are some docs in such a hurry ,as long as the trend is downward you should be ok ,mine is the same but I won't be bullied .I have a friend who took 5 years to reach undetectable and now she has been treatment free for over 3 years her doctor who is a specialist in CML wasn't worried at all .We all get there eventually but at our own speed ,Good Luck ,Denise.

Hi, I would agree that it's not necessarily a good idea to change dose. If you really want to get to MMR ASAP changing drug would probably be the quickest way to do that. But that doesn't feel necessary. 0.2% is very close to MMR and there are margins of error of more than you might think in these tests.

0.2% is actually not a bad place to be at all. I would hold on and see how it goes on 400mg. If you took 600mg, which is associated with more frequent and higher grade side effects, when do you think you would drop back to 400mg? It might take a long time, or never.

This isn't a race - if your PCR is dropping slowly, it's still dropping. That's good!

CCyR is roughly correlated with a PCR of 1%, for what it's worth.
