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BCR_ABL test and Sprycel


Hi all,

I am new to this forum. My dad has CML and they switched him from Tasigna to Sprycel as doctor claims it's not working given the subject test recent results. He suffers from side effects from Sprycel started 2 months ago as cough, weight loss, etc... Latest test results still shows 18%... He suspects the imprecision of the lab results as they provided him the test results in one day only and usually they claim it may take few days...

Does any one have information how long would it take for Philadelphia Chromosome test to generate accurate results ( 1 day or few days) on average? On another note..Is there some tips regarding Sprycel side effects and how to deal with it or eliminate it...

Is there any diet recommendation to help with CML in general.. Any info is appreciated and excuse me as I am new to the forum seeking help and information.

Thanks for your help in advance.

Hi there, and welcome.

18% after 2 months is pretty good. The “optimal” result at 3 months is 10% - and if at 18% at 2 months I would expect him to achieve that optimal result at 3 months.

Side effect management can be hard - lots of trial and error. Weight loss is common with leukaemia, and he might not have been feeling himself since diagnosis. Just try to ensure he is eating well. I am not sure about cough - it could be unrelated of course.

In terms of diet - no, there’s no special diet that will help his treatment other than generally eating well. There’s not magic food that will help fight the disease. 

Do you know what his 1-month results were? 18% at 2 months sounds good on the face of it, I only wonder if his doctor is concerned because if his results were low at diagnosis and haven’t shifted much.


Thanks a lot David. ..

I think he was at 36% at the last Tasigna results which let them decide to switch over to Sprycel..I hope that by time he can get to the good levels. He has 100mg Sprycel dosage and reading here that low dosage Sprycel can be more efficient with lower impact of side effects is interesting and I have asked in other thread if they have ASH papers that states that research.