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olive leaves


Thanks for posting

It is not unusual to come across studies about plant based extracts and their benefits for instance you might have seen the protaganists for the use of resveratrol an extract from red grapes that seems to have beneficial qualities-red wine in moderation hence seems to have health benefits? Some alternative approaches in medicine however have suggested that high dose resveratrol might be a substitute for tki s -I would rather trust in my tki !

I wont post the articles here as largely they are unproven and may be regarded as anti established medicine.

However I  have come across a study that concluded that the extract of pomegranate peel has growth inhibitory effects on CML cells and contributes to apoptosis which is the death of cancer cells;it also concluded that the peel has greater antioxidant activity than even the seed and pulp which apparently have lots of phenolic and flavenoid compounds as natural antioxidants.There may be benefits in combining such supplements with tkis but pending further studies on animals such as  mice  and trials with humans I would be cautious

However am I correct that pomegranate juice has in some studies  been found to interact with tki s and should be avoided but perhaps not to the same extent as grapefruit or the juice? If it, the pomegranate interacts then does it increase the potency of the tki and contribute to possibly greater side effects?

So might we conclude that some plant and vegetable based foods and supplements might contain benefits to us?

I saw a headline that stated "Eat your charcuterie with olives" and the basis of this suggestion is that some meats when cured or heated produce harmful nitrosamines but that the nitrates in plants are very beneficial as they are converted to nitric oxide.

So pairing meat with lots of vegetables or focusing on healthy anti -oxidant based plants and fruits is not just fad?

On a lighter note I was just thinking about menus for upcoming Christmas that is if we are still able to have one.

Please keep safe.


Thanks for your post. The question about all these natural products is the following .... Can one be cured by applying natural remedies with dedication? We all find that many foods and herbs that help treat CML are banned because of their interaction with TKIs. These drugs really help all of us and are necessary, and for many a matter of survival! But how do we test if we can be cured without them? Since we all know that they cause immunosuppression! Some crazy people have to close their ears and move on, perhaps risking their lives. Otherwise we are all locked in the corral waiting for the next Pcr measurement ... Things are difficult!
