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Dr Druker recommendation of COVID vaccines

Most of you will know of Dr Brian Druker - without whom most of us would be dead. He led the pioneering research that resulted in imatinib, and the TKI era of CML treatment.

When asked would he recommend the COVID vaccines for CML patients, he replied with this:

“I am recommending the vaccine for my CML patients with the main exception being in people who carry Epi pens for severe allergies. In this case, I would weigh risks and benefits a bit more closely – how much exposure to COVID patients do they have, how severe have the allergic reactions been, can they be observed closely for 30 minutes to an hour after vaccination? Assuming they are not in this category, and the leukemia is reasonably well controlled, I do not view them as immune compromised, so the vaccine should be as effective as in anyone else and there is nothing about their leukemia, or their CML treatment that should cause any problems.”

That’s brill thanks David.

Good news about the Oxford Vaccine today too here in the UK. Hearing this kind of advice from someone like him will put a lot of minds at rest.

Thank you for this.  Looking forward to the vaccines being available to the general population.  I'm chair of our town's board of health, and dealing with the variety of attitudes towards the pandemic has often been difficult.


I didnt see that he differenciated between the vaccines

As a resident, I can easily get the Sinopharm vaccine here in UAE but I feel its a little dubious than Pfizer or Oxford, though I freely admit I dont know enough for my doubts to be more than a feeling. 

Thoughts/Comments welcome.