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Tasigna stomach pain


I started on Tasigna five days ago. After about three days I started having stomach pain. I read this can be a side effect.

Is it common to have this in the beginning? Can I expect it to go away? Any advice?

Yes, you are right, his is one of the side effects of TKI therapies in some people, which may well subside as your body adjusts to therapy. However, if it is distressing you try talking to your clinician who may be able to reassure you.

5 days is very early in your treatment so you will probably need to give it some time to see if it resolves.... but do talk to your clinician. You may find it necessary to change your diet? .... Have you noticed that it is worse when you have eaten certain foods or is it constant?


Thank you for your response. It resolved after a couple of days and I’m feeling quite good now. 

I got a little anxious when I didn’t quite recognise my body. Only 3.5 years into TKI treatment and already I’m on number 3 of 5 available TKI’s. Switched from Imatinib (suboptimal response) to Dasatinib (good response but pleural effusion). Now hope for better luck with Nilotinib