Hi all,
Just got my official diagnosis. No symptoms, just caught on routine blood tests which led to bone marrow biopsy.
Philadelphia +
Less than 1% blasts
WBC 18.6 k/uL
Platelets 1,075 k/uL
Basophils 9%
Metamyelocytes 3%
Everything else normal.
I will start 400mg Imatinib in the next day or so. I am quite nervous about the side effects.
This is just the strangest feeling. I have cancer. I say it out loud and it sounds surreal. I have cancer? And I will have it for the rest of my life? It's weird not to know how to feel about this diagnosis. Scared, anxious, sad, but also lucky that it isn't an acute leukemia? How long does it take to feel real, or to know what to feel really?
I'm a 51 year old woman who is otherwise healthy. Actually, that's not quite right. I have multiple sclerosis, but in 2014 I had a bone marrow transplant to put it in remission and so far, so good. How weird is it that I've already had a bone marrow transplant?? They say chemo doesn't cause CML, but I have to wonder if it didn't play a part in it? The fact that I ablated my immune system with heavy doses of chemo and used my hematopoietic stem cells to rebuild it. So strange.
But I got through that and I'll live through/with this.
I am also a terrible worrier, super anxious, and the past few years have been very stressful. Could that have brought it on?
Other than that, I have 2 kids ages 12 and 17 that I need to be healthy for, and a wonderful husband.
So hi. Just wanted to introduce myself, I guess.
Thank you for any advice/reassurance you can give.