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Bouncing around MMR


Hello Peeps -

Dx 2 years ago. I am on 100 mg Sprycel for the past 2 years and plummeted to 0.10 in 6 months but then have been bouncing around 0.1 sometimes as low as 0.02 but never over 0.13. I am very grateful to be in the position I am in. Everything is normal otherwise. I did stop exercising for a few months prior to my latest result of 0.12 and did have pretty significant stress at work. Should I be worried at all or just go on with life? Any suggestions will be very helpful.

Note: I went to 0.02 when I was just recovering from Covid. I think my immune system kicked into overdrive.



Roger, any reading of 1.0 (CCyR), or less, means that the CML presents no danger to you. It isn't at all unusual for BCR-ABL readings to bounce around at low levels.

Wishing you the best,

Thank you Buzz!! Feel much better now.

We are at a similar position, diagnosed 2 years ago. Lowest reading was 3 months ago at 21st month mark at 0.011, and the latest result bounce back to 0.069.

Similarly to you, we reduced our exercises in the past 3 month and became less strict with our diet. Even added occasional glass or two of wine. We had some issues going on, which were stressful over the few past weeks. So very similar observations.

In addition, we were strictly consuming 6-8grams of curcumin c3 complex daily, but we ran out of supplies and it was out of stock for sometime, so we had a pause from taking it.

Not sure if thats the relation for the increase, its just our observations. Reduced exercise, stress, moderate alcohol consumption and pausing taking curcumin. We’re getting back on track and will monitor the next pcr results. Its normal for the results to fluctuate at these levels, and the results can vary depending on the lab , amount of cells tested etc…

You’re totally fine. I and many of us (especially the younger folk) seem to bounce around that area. I did for 2.5 years before reaching 0.07 MMR.

It only affects your mental state and nothing more clinically significant. We all get how worrying that is.

You’re good, try to keep stress to an absolute minimum.


Thank you Kamil and Alex. Appreciate your help. This definitely helps my mental state a lot.