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Has anyone used Acminib.


Currently on Dasatanib 50 but doctor wants me to try new med. and my BCR is low. He states some symptoms are less like water retention. But they want to test heart and take blood every month at the outset which concerns me what they are concerned about. Any experiences or thoughts. Love this group as it has Terrific people that are always helpful. Not here often.


Hi John,

I was on asciminib 80 mg for 5 months and had to stop it due to massive fluid retention around my waist which started obstructing breathing.

Once I stopped it, I lost 10 kg in 1 month.

I didn’t experience fluid retention on dasatinib.

We are all unique so it’s impossible to predict adverse effects.

If I were you, I would lower dasatinib dose and if qualified add pegylated interferon alpha 2b also low dose, 30-50 mcg per week. This could be your way out.

Search google for „pegylated interferon dasatinib“, there are many articles on it. It’s a standard protocol now even for newly diagnosed ones who want deeper response and tfr.


I have been on Asciminib for 8 months now on the basis it is safer than most of the other TKIs. I haven't had any problems at all. I was taken off Nilotinib due it effecting my thyroid and it has a lot of heart risks that do not apply to Asciminib.

Also in response the above about peg interferon, you should be aware this is in severe short supply and will be until July at the earliest. I would not expect any new patients to be given it for now as those currently on it are having problems getting it.

Thank you Christine. I am in the U.S. and they really want to push this drug but requires a lot of testing which scared me.

Thanks Zoran. I have had some water retention with Dasatanib even at 50mg. I had issues for two years with sodium dropping fast. Finally figured out with a nephrologist to lower water intake and take a small dose of a water pill to control. And it’s working. From what I was told and I read that water retention was less of an issue with Asciminib.