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Side Effects of Nilotinib on Liver


Hi ,

Is anyone facing issues with liver who’s on Nilotinib.

Since September the values in liver function test has been on higher side.

We shifted to Nilotinib 300 BD in end of 2023 after multiple instances of pleural effusion with Dastanib. Even the dose reduction dint help and with 20 mg dose BCR ABL went up.

My wife’s AST (SGOT ) in the recent test is 43 where the max range is 35

GGTP is 132 which should be between 0 to 38

6 months back we did liver biopsy when the values were slightly elevated than the normal and the fatty liver grade was 1B. The doctor had ruled out effect of medicine at that point of time.

But after 6 months on medication ( same dose of nilotinib) and some supplements like vitamin E and other medicines for liver the trend is still moving to higher values.

We are meeting the doctor on Saturday and will be getting a fibrous can done. However wanted to check if someone has experienced similar issues with Nilotinib and how did you cope with it.

We had tried Imatinib after dastanib but experienced severe skin rash with that and ultimately switched to Nilotinib.

Please guide




Strangely my liver was flagging up on my blood checks, and the doctor always asked if I drank excess alcohol, I haven’t drunk any alcohol since my cml diagnosis over 10 years ago, luckily after having a liver biopsy I was told my liver was ok, but I’ve always questioned whether the cause of my liver concern was caused by being on nilotinib for over 9 years, I’ve now been on asciminib for nearly 12 months and my readings don’t seem to be raising any concerns in the liver department.
