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Rising Level of Bilirubin


I am currently on Imatinib 400 MG, diagnosed back in October of 2020. Noticed my bilirubin has been slowly rising the last few weeks. Has any one else had this happen? I read that intense exercise could raise it some, like crossfit. I get retested this week, have been sure to just got for a walk 3 days this week to see if it helps lower the billi.

January 15- it was 1.0

April 16th: was 1.6: did lots of cross fit this week

April 23rd: was 1.7: did less cross fit, but still intense.





I have had some liver issues (certain scores) recently after long term use of imatinib but my Bilirubin is normal. My consultant told me that it is not unusual in the early stages of taking a tki to have transient or temporary spikes in liver function tests (LFTs).I was told that if there is any evidence of jaundice, often shown as yellowing of the whites of the eyes and a yellowish hue to the skin, then to seek attention.Often these transient spikes are free of symptoms and things like nausea, vomiting and abdominal pains  are only really evident in the case of more chronic liver disorders.

Looking at the range for Bilirubin the normal limits are 0.3 to 1.2 mgs per dL  (or 0-20 umol per Litre) so yours is not that elevated .If it were say 4 or 5 times the top of the range and say in total  above 5 mgs per dL  there may be a need for more detailed tests.

Apparently things to look out for are gallstone and bile duct disfunction or a viral infection like hepatitis .I was told that long Covid after a fairly mild infection can do all sorts of things to the body. It can be just the imatinib-if so do not take Paracetemol/Acetomeniphen as that in excess can hammer the liver.

One is told to eat lots of fruit and veg and especially leafy greens;drink lots of fluids and also do exercise but avoid alcohol and red meat which the liver might find difficult to process.More natural remedies are dandelion tea or dandelion root coffee;whether milk thistle is effective is in doubt it seems.

Although tkis being targeted molecular therapies are not as toxic as other chemo based treatments imatinib is still moderately toxic and then add in all the nasties that growers and food producers use ! I have a background in farming and with non organic potato production crops are spayed every two weeks to counteract blight

On occasions I take in powder form with a juice an organic internal cleanser high in spirulina, soy and veg extracts-how effective it is I dont know.

Basically if your next test shows a fall then perhaps your elevation might be a temporary spike but if it continues to rise then it might be the time for further tests.



Ive had bilirubin 1.6 before and my Onc has said not to worry about it in the slightest.  Im assuming your other liver panels are within normal range? If so, I wouldnt sweat it at all. Worry when the doctors tell you to worry.  I know its hard.