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Fasting and TKIs


This protocol was inspired by the extensive and very informative posts by @scuba on fasting and TKIs

This may not work nearly as well as a 3-day water-only fast. However, I've decided to try my version of a fasting-mimicking diet (which I'll refer to as FMD moving forward)

Rather than cluttering up scuba's threads, I decided to start my own journal.

All feedback - good or bad - are welcome!

A little about me...I was diagnosed in March/April of 2022. The cml, in my case, was not in the blast phase. I was put on bosulif which worked for about 6 months. No mutations found but bcr-abl jumped up to 80% in October labs. I will be starting sprycel in 2-3 days. I was instructed the dose will be 100mg once per day.

If the FMD does not produce dramatic results, I will go with a 3-day fast.


weight 177.8 pounds. 80.65 kilos.

This is supposed to be the highest calorie day, with the remaining 4 days being low calorie.

Morning: 2 cups black coffee with nothing added

Skipped breakfast and lunch.

Zone 1 cardio at the gym for 15 minutes, zone 2 50 minutes, some standing calf raises, then followed up with 45 minutes in sauna. Stretching in sauna.


20 broccoli florets, chopped up 40 minutes or longer before steaming. This process supposedly activates the sulforaphane. To further enhance the sulforaphane, I sprinkle at least 1 gram of mustard seed powder.

1 cup broccoli sprouts

1 cup of carrots. Normally I add kale but have not had a chance to go shopping. Broccoli, sprouts, and carrots topped with 4 tbsps of balsamic vinegar.

Eaten separately from the above is half cup kimchi for the benefits of fermented vegetables.

2.5 cups black beans with half an onion chopped up and sweated (no oil involved) using water. 5 tbsp of salsa verde added to the mix.

2 tbsp nutritional yeast

1 multi-vitamin.

Approximately 3 liters of water throughout the day. On two occasions, I added a pinch of himalayan salt to each cup (credit to scuba for this idea).

Approximately 1100 calories total. I believe this meets the requirements for FMD day 1. If not - please let me know.

The remaining 4 days will be very close to the above but the beans and salsa will be removed. This will subtract approximately 460 calories.


Day 2 FMD

weight 174.1 pounds = 78.97 kilos

Morning: 2 cups black coffee with nothing added

Skipped breakfast and lunch.

Gym: 10 minute warm up on treadmill, unilateral and bilateral movements for legs, 30 minutes sauna, stretching in sauna

Some might question the weight lifting while on FMD.

I chose to lift because:

1) Stressing the muscles on a calorie deficit theoretically tells the muscles to stick around. Very bro-science, I admit, but every competitive bodybuilder continues to lift, even while in caloric restriction, until a few days before the show.

One can say anabolic steroids is what helps them and many are on 'roids (including movie stars such as the Rock, Chris Hemsworth, Kumail Nanjiani).

However, I strongly suspect even a non-competitive/steroid-free/cml patient like me can apply the principle of lifting while on low calories. After all, our ancestors had to go hunt and gather while hungry.

2) Exercise is a great stress reliever.

3) The hard work has most likely accelerated my entry into ketosis as well as autophagy.

4) As a former personal trainer, I am very well versed in exercise selection, sequencing, technique, level of intensity to hit, etc.


Removed the black beans and salsa that I had on day 1.

15 pieces of walnuts

30 broccoli florets, chopped up 40 minutes or longer before steaming. This process supposedly activates the sulforaphane. To further enhance the sulforaphane, I sprinkle at least 1 gram of mustard seed powder.

1 cup broccoli sprouts

1 cup of carrots. Normally I add kale but have not had a chance to go shopping. Broccoli, sprouts, and carrots topped with 4 tbsps of balsamic vinegar.

Eaten separately from the above is half cup kimchi for the benefits of fermented vegetables.

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

Ran out of multivitamin and the drug store I bought my D3 today did not have any.

6000 IUs D3

Will also pick up some brazil nuts tomorrow for the selenium, as scuba suggested.

Approximately 4 liters of water throughout the day. On two occasions, I added a pinch of himalayan salt to each cup (credit to scuba for this idea). I will need to increase the salt as I felt the electrolyte was out of balance.

Total caloric intake should be 800 or less


Day 3 FMD

weight 171.7 pounds = 77.88 kilos

As I suspected, yesterday's leg workout most likely accelerated my entry into keto/autophagy.

Very little hunger today. Very alert. Very energized. I now know what people mean by the euphoria. Gym session was not much different than when my caloric intake is high.

Sprycel arrived in the mail. Will start my 100mg per day regimen tomorrow. I worry 100mg is too aggressive. Will monitor my next lab and go from there.

Morning: 2 cups black coffee with nothing added

Skipped breakfast and lunch.

Gym: I was running late so skipped cardio. Did approximately 45 minutes of vertical push/vertical pull supersets; first unilateral, then bilateral. 30 minutes in sauna with stretching.

Also had time to go shopping so added kale and red bell peppers to my meal. Store did not have brazil nuts but did pick up a multivitamin

Only had 5 pieces of walnut because of the tomato soup with chopped onions and kale I had today. Also had 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar.

Otherwise, the food is the same as yesterday.

30 broccoli florets, chopped up 40 minutes or longer before steaming. This process supposedly activates the sulforaphane. To further enhance the sulforaphane, I sprinkle at least 1 gram of mustard seed powder.

1 cup broccoli sprouts

1 cup of carrots.

Broccoli, sprouts, and carrots topped with 4 tbsps of balsamic vinegar.

Eaten separately from the above is half cup kimchi for the benefits of fermented vegetables.

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

7000 IUs D3

1 multivitamin

Approximately 4 liters of water throughout the day. Increasing himalayan salt to approx 3/4 tsp (not all at once) at various times did help.

Interesting journal.

Keep us posted on your bcr-abl levels along your journey.

Scuba, thanks for dropping by. Yes, I'll definitely post my next bcr-abl.

I'm also going to closely monitor if I get the dreaded pleural effusion while on sprycel. According to the pharmacist I spoke to, this occurs to about 20-28% of users.

If I end up being in that unlucky group, I'm going ask to be put on another TKI. Hell, I'll demand it.

Also going to follow your lead and order some turmeric/black pepper capsules. As I go back in my 6-month bosulif history, the numbers were promising when I: 1) supplemented with turmeric; 2) spent time outdoors during the summer. Well, I stopped doing both several months ago and perhaps it's no coincidence the bcr-abl spiked to scary levels.


Day 4 FMD

weight ?

I expected to feel every bit as alert as yesterday but surprisingly feel awful. The lack of hunger was still there but I felt dizzy and out of sorts. I even forgot to weigh myself (I've been using the same electronic scale at the gym).

The hydration was on point as well as the sodium intake but I almost felt non-functional. There were moments of clarity (I'll explain below) but my body appears to be regressing.

I did not sleep well last night; maybe 6 hours as opposed to my usual 7-9. However, this feels different than simple sleep deprivation.

Morning: 2 cups black coffee with nothing added

Gym: 15 minutes zone 1 cardio followed by 50 minutes zone 2. Core work focusing on anti-extension and anti-rotation. Calf raises. Sauna (stretching in the sauna) 25 minutes.

During the core and calf work, I felt good; had superb connection with my body. After the sauna, the mental fog returned.

Rather than sticking with 1 meal a day as I did on days 1-3, I ate the vegetables and walnuts around 1pm my time. This effectively has me on 18/6 fast for the day.

5 pieces of walnuts

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

30 broccoli florets and stem, chopped up 40 minutes or longer before steaming. I sprinkle at least 1 gram of mustard seed powder.

1 cup broccoli sprouts

1 cup of carrots.

Red, orange, and yellow bell pepper. About 1.5 cups worth.

1 chopped fresh garlic.

Broccoli, sprouts, bell peppers, and carrots topped with 4 tbsps of balsamic vinegar.

7000 IUs D3 and a multivitamin. Gave up looking for Brazil nuts at the store; will order some online.

Will update several hours from now with dinner. I CANNOT wait for this to be over.



EDIT 5/12/2022: After a little more research on the subject, I elected to skip the brazil nuts as the amount from the multivitamin and trace levels from the walnuts appear adequate. If anyone can provide contrary evidence regarding brazil nuts/selenium, feel free to share.


After some research, I believe what I am experiencing today is keto flu

If anyone has any other theories, please let me know.

Regardless, when I stop the FMD, I'll gradually reduce my carbs. I'll also continue to intermittent fast as I have been since the second week of November. I will simply have to be more precise in my carb quantity and timing.



Day 4 FMD (continued from above posts)

Dinner: tomato soup with chopped onions, kale, 2 cloves garlic; eaten separately 1 cup kimchi

Next cycle, I may just do a 48-72 water fast once a month and get it over with. Five days of caloric restriction is a grind.

I will definitely continue to intermittent fast (I started doing this early November). Maybe wishful thinking on my part but a 17/7, 18/6, 19/5, or 20/4 daily strategy just might be enough IF I add a weekly or bi-weekly fast of 24 hours - AS LONG AS keto/autophagy are accelerated with strenuous exercise.

I will definitely be more precise in carb quantity and timing.

Day 5 FMD  - Final day

weight: 172.2 pounds = 78.11 kilos

Weight is up from day 3 but down from day 1 by 5.6 pounds (2.51 kilos).

Original plan was to skip breakfast and lunch but still felt remnants of keto flu.

Breakfast: 2tbsp peanut butter and half scoop of plant-based protein powder (it does contain stevia so I don't know if this breaks FMD rules). 2 cups black coffee with nothing added.

Gym session went well due to the breakfast. Calf raises. Anti-extension/anti-rotation core work. Unilateral horizontal push superset with unilateral horizontal pull. 1 set pull ups. 3 sets rear delt work on the machine. No sauna as I already hit 6 sessions this week.

The euphoria I felt on day 3 was a one day phenomenon.

Lunch: 2 cups vegetable broth and 2 cups water. Added 3 cups kale, 2 cups red/yellow/orange bell peppers, half cup chopped onions, 2 chopped garlic cloves, 7 ounces tofu, half tsp salt. Absolutely delicious and looked impressive as well. Eaten separately 1 cup kimchee and half cup broccoli sprouts. Taken separately 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar. 1 cup green tea.

7000 IUs D3 and multivitamin taken with breakfast (the idea being fat-soluble vitamins will be better absorbed with the peanut butter).

Close to 4 liters of water at the time of this writing; should easily reach it in a few hours.

Will also have approximately 3 cups of broccoli with 4 tbsp balsamic vinegar for dinner.

Valter Longo's FMD experiments, as far as I can tell, did not involve a population of exclusively very active participants who may be able to reach keto/autophagy sooner. If one can deplete his glucose stores via a low-carb diet leading up to the fast and exercise vigorously on the lead up and during the fast, I think it's feasible to accelerate the process.

In other words, I suspect someone like myself CAN reach the desired effects on the 3rd or 4th day of FMD rather than the 5th. It is possible, of course, I'm rationalizing an excuse to take a shortcut because I did not enjoy FMD.

Furthermore, I did not follow the exact percentages for the macros (other than keeping protein very low on days 2-5). So I concede I may not even have followed a "true" FMD.

I do, however, very much enjoy intermittent fasting on a 17/7, 18/6, 19/5 schedule. I will go lower carbs overall and continue to experiment with fasting and TKIs because I strongly believe in the potential.



First day after ending my variation of FMD.

I timed my carbs around dinner and took sprycel 100mg around the same time. The theory of having a TKI present when the cancer cells come out of dormancy. This theory, as I understand it, was presented by scuba in much greater detail in his thread on this same forum.

Next month, I may just do a water+coffee+green tea fast (no sugar or even artificial sweetners) or I may just fork out the money for the Prolon kit from the company Valter Longo is involved with.

One thing I can say with certainty is this: When I took a bite out of my peanut butter on sprouted wheat bread, I could have SWORE there was sugar on the bread; it was that sweet. Even the black beans I ate shortly thereafter had a flavor profile which was more intense; and it is the same brand I've been eating.

As I understand it (and please correct me if I'm wrong), autophagy peaks when the Glucose-Ketone Index (GKI) is 1:1. This appears to be best reached on a 3-day or longer water fast.

Here is my question...Can we reach close to this coveted 1:1 ratio (maybe fall a little short) and still induce enough of an autophagic response? This could start the chain reaction of events which will make the LSCs more vulnerable to the TKI.

I suspect it's possible via intermittent fasting. Although, my hunch is it should be greater than the popular 16/8. I think 19/5, 20/4, or all the way to OMAD (one meal a day) would speed up the process towards a favorable GKI.

Furthermore, I theorize we can further accelerate the process with strenuous exercise (to deplete glucose and create cell stress), sauna (again, cell stress), and a mostly keto diet (to keep glucose levels consistently low).

If this works, rather than doing 3-5 day water fasts spread out several times in a year, the intermittent fasting approach may make smaller but steady attacks against LSCs.

Just make sure you have TKI in your system during the refeed.

Can both yield similar results in fight for TFR?

If anyone out there has any theories, please feel free to share.

I have enjoyed reading your "journal". Lots of detail.

Today, I am on day 3 of my water (plus electrolytes) only fast. I feel fine, but I have done this enough times. Keto flu is a low blood glucose/electrolyte condition. You might test your glucose levels to verify. (need to be above 70 ng/ml). Your exercising while fasting is the likely cause. Intense weight lifting type exercise is a huge sink for glucose. Since you are in ketosis, your body is conditioning to burn ketones for energy and needs to spare glucose to keep your blood at 70 ng/ml for organ function (especially the brain). The muscles will draw sugar out of the blood when exercising intensely AND this triggers your liver to make more glucose than it was doing. To make more requires more enzymes to metabolize fat + protein (coming from old blood) into needed glucose (gluconeogenesis).. Until your body is conditioned to do this, glucose falls, electrolytes get imbalanced and you have keto flu. You will adapt of course, just like any form of training.

(by the way, I am in day two of my 3 day fast, feel fine (better than fine actually) and when I start to eat again, I won't be taking any sprycel! In other words, when I re-feed, my leukemic cells should be stimulated to divide. No doubt they will be - but that is my test. I feel I have knocked CML down to levels where my immune system can take over. We all make leukemic stem cells (healthy people too). What creates CML disease is when this happens the body doesn't check it (immune system response). My Vitamin D, curcumin and the rest, as well as prior fasts rejuvenating my immune system should more than handle any random Leukemic cell division. That's my hope anyway. So far so good.)

Scuba, excellent info!

Yes, I agree that as I continue to practice various forms of fasting, my body, as you put it, should become more efficient at utilizing ketones and thus spare glucose.

The following statement in your post made me very optimistic I am on the right path:

"The muscles will draw sugar out of the blood when exercising intensely AND this triggers your liver to make more glucose than it was doing. To make more requires more enzymes to metabolize fat + protein (coming from old blood) into needed glucose (gluconeogenesis)."

1) It is widely agreed by oncologists that losing excess fat (as long as it does not create eating disorders, etc.) can only help. And there is, of course, the other health benefits involved.

2) The protein from the old blood should help clear out the debris and put my body in a more receptive state for TKI treatment.

Currently, I'm on a 19/5 or 20/4 IF schedule. I've also adjusted my medication schedule:

a) 200mg allopurinal taken earlier in the day

b) D3, multivitamin taken with my 1st refeed - which is very low to zero net carb (avocado with himalayan salt, 2 tbsp organic peanut butter with no oils/fillers/etc added, broccoli, broccoli sprouts, other vegetables)

c) prior to my second and final meal of the day, 100mg of sprycel; this, unless I'm mistaken, follows what you wrote about regarding the TKI in one's system to pounce on the LSCs

d) eat my second and final meal - which does include glucose such as black beans, quinoa, wild blueberries

The overall net carbs for the day is not low enough to qualify as keto. However, I am very active so I suspect (or is "hope" a better word?) I will have converted to a keto state by the following day before my first meal.

So I should become more efficient at going in and out of keto and thus converting fat+protein (from the cellular debris), 

Of course, if I do have to drop my daily net carbs to <50 grams or even <25, I'll do so. However, I don't want to play that card just yet.


Additional reading on the importance of electrolytes during an extended fast (> 1 day)

"keto flu" is exacerbated by electrolyte imbalance. This is especially true if keto flu develops late in fasting while in ketosis as opposed to the beginning when the body is transitioning from sugar burning to fat burning.


I'm doing more research on autophagy and learning about the importance of mTOR and its role in cancer proliferation. As I currently understand it, if mTOR is triggered, autophagy/cell regeneration is halted.

Very low protein intake and suppression of insulin has been shown to suppress mTOR, which explains why Valter Longo designed his FMD.

Based on this and other research, my IF schedule moving forward will continue to be 19/5 to 20/4 on a regular basis. And I'll continue to make sure my 1st refeed of the day will suppress mTOR as much as possible. The low-hanging fruit is to keep that 1st meal zero-net carbs and avoid protein shakes as even low carb ones can promote insulin and thus trigger mTOR.

Hell, I may just transition to OMAD.

Furthermore, once a month I'll do either FMD or water fast; most likely a water fast as it is more cost effective and leaves next to no possibility of accidentally triggering mTOR.

To be fair - a good diet low in carbs and rich in vegetables (where most carbs are bound to the fiber and therefore low net carbs) with an egg or two, some grass fed beef, nuts, berries and in low amounts will do more for your metabolic and "anti-cancer" health than anything else.

Consider taking a week out of the month to get and stay in ketosis (mid to high level state) and fast one day per week. The rest of the time eat normally by simply avoiding anything not nature made (i.e. a box of crackers, or even protein shakes! no-no). Eat real food. Eat real protein. Fast from time to time to shut down mTOR from time to time to allow clean-up.

The mTOR pathway will take care of itself. It's not healthy to shutdown a needed pathway in the belief it will either heal you or extend life. mTOR is needed to build new cells following autophagy - especially mitochondria in muscle cells.. Trying to keep it shut down can have very bad consequences. It is a vital metabolic pathway. It's not bad. It's just in cancer mTOR can get dysregulated - especially in the presence of high glucose (another reason diabetes is so bad). Fasting helps to reset the pathway, by shutting it down temporarily for a time to let autophagy do cleanup. Then when fasting is over - and especially when carbs are re-introduced to trigger insulin increase, mTOR activates to REBUILD cells including a new immune system, muscle mitochondria and related.

This is why staying keto only "forever" is not long term healthy. Just like staying carb only is not long term healthy. But on average, a Keto bias is best.

The body is best served by feasting and fasting. Steady state eating, especially glutton type eating, is what is damaging. You do want to have low insulin most of the time (i.e. low carb), but every now and then, adding in a healthy carb (i.e. apples, and other fruit when in season), rejuvenates the isles of Langerhorn to produce insulin and following a period of fasting induced autophagy triggers healthy cell growth, especially in muscle.

The above approach keeps your body's metabolic enzymes (all of them, sugar and fat metabolism + protein) working well together with keto being the dominant one in nature.

Mimic nature and your ancestral evolution is enhanced to keep you healthy. Think of wild animals, they do not measure the food they eat. They just eat what they can find. Scarcity of food is what leads to adaptation favoring fasting leading to cell cleanup and feasting leading to cell growth. The animals I see in the wild are never fat and they are never "skin and bones" either.

Something to keep in mind.

(having written the above - I do absolutely take advantage of shutting down the mTOR pathway from time to time through fasting believing it will keep CML at bay, but I also eat chocolate cake on my birthday!)

Scuba - excellent points. Thank you.

Yes, I agree it's necessary to "turn on" mTOR and not try to keep it suppressed constantly. Same can be said for insulin/IGF-1.

My post from 7/12/2022 meant the first refeed after an IF or pro-longed fast will attempt to keep mTOR fairly down regulated.

My next meal following IF or pro-longed fast will absolutely turn mTOR on due to the protein and carbs. This part was not explicitly stated in the 7/12 post but it was and is my intention for the second meal to contain carbs/protein.

And if I do switch to OMAD, I will obviously have to trigger mTOR with that single meal because I will be eating protein and carbs. But this won't be a concern to me because the OMAD schedule guarantees that the fasting portion of my IF day will be even that much longer.

After 6+ months on a predominantly whole foods plant based diet, I'm reticent about eating animal products. I look, feel, and even smell cleaner since making the switch!

However, if there's one thing I learned from cml - one must be able to re-evaluate and make changes if/when necessary. Pride has no place in a search for TFR.

Thanks again

I am becoming more and more converted to the power of fasting.

As I research mTOR and AMPK, I am convinced the two pathways were out of balance in my body.

From late April to late October 2022:

1) the only "fasting" I did was when I slept (typically 7-8 hours per night)

2) very physically active - and exercise is generally agreed to raise mTOR

3) whole-food plant-based diet but an over consumption of both carbs and protein

This is a recipe to keep mTOR elevated at the expense of AMPK!

Could this be why my bcr-able spiked to 80% after 6 months on bosulif? There most likely are other reasons. However, I cannot help but suspect that, in my attempt to live a healthy lifestyle, I was instead creating an environment in which my body was less receptive to the TKI treatment.

Based on this theory, I will:

1) continue to fast - both IF and 24-72 hours to raise AMPK

2) keep carbs moderate and predominantly complex so the fiber reduces spikes

3) keep exercising for the numerous health benefits

4) lower my protein intake

The exercise routine I engage in already elicits a mTOR response. I don't think it's a good idea to pile on with a high protein diet. I've seen the articles which state AMPK is also activated by exercise but I still believe it wasn't at an optimal level in my body.

Furthermore, since autophagy signals to the body to recycle senescent cells, I don't believe I need to worry about the sacred 1-2 grams of protein per lean kilo mass paradigm. After all, I am not a competitive athlete, a population for whom a higher protein intake can arguably make sense.

This, as any of my current beliefs, are subject to change based on new information. For now, I will actively focus on bringing my AMPK to mTOR more in harmony.

As always, comments are welcome.


Effective 15/12/2022, I have changed the title of this thread from "Fasting Mimicking Diets and Sprycel" to a more broad "Fasting and TKIs"

After a whopping 11 days on Sprycel, my doc and I agreed to take me off of it. I was in the minority who suffered elevated and abnormal heart beat. I considered requesting a lower dose; however, I came to the conclusion that, if absolutely necessary, I can revisit this particular TKI with a smaller dose in the future.

I hope this will not be the case and the most recent TKI I've been prescribed, Imatinib, will either put me in MMR or close to it and buy me some time until further advancements are made. 

Took labs today so I won't know what my current bcr-abl are at. I can say that I am not in the blast phase and there are no current mutations.

I don't know how active I'll be in this thread moving forward. I will continue to experiment with fasting in its many variations as I strongly suspect it can have very positive benefits.


My imanitib is scheduled to arrive 13/12/2022.

In preparation, I have started my 48-72 hour water fast. Because I have to take imatinib with food, I plan on doing IF with a very restricted window. Furthermore, once a month I plan on doing some variation of a Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD).

Thanks to a very intelligent person on another forum - Hi, if you're reading this - I'm also going to experiment with combining Luteolin with imatinib:

And I'll continue to supplement 6-7000 IUs of D3 on a daily basis.