Hi all
Having posted a few weeks ago about potentially changing TKI (which I haven’t) and in that post saying I hadn’t really suffered any side effects (just over 2 years since diagnosis) the last month or so I’ve started feeling what I can only describe as ‘woozy’.
I’ve experienced palpitations regularly and got used to them, taking magnesium taurate (on the advice of Scuba 👍) but more recently have started feeling lightheaded, a bit spaced out and just generally off it. Also had some diarrhoea recently too. All routine bloods are normal, and BCR is at 0.16, so CNS thinks it may be the medication.
Only outstanding tests I am waiting for results on are for Diabetes so it may well be linked to that, but if not, has anyone got any similar experience of imatinib side effects? And any advice on how to manage them?
Generally active and healthy (all things considered).
Thanks in advance