My 11yo was diagnosed with CML in April 23. He has been on Imatinib 300mg since. His response to treatment was very good in the first 6 months as his qPCR fell to 4% or so but 9 month reading was at 1.2% and 12 month at 1.8%. Per his doctor's reco, we are shifting him to Dasatinib 70mg. We did a mutation analysis that turned out negative
He had severe muscle pain with Imatinib which was addressed with D3 supplements. He also had very low tolerance to cold and would always cover himself with blanket even in temperatures that felt hot to others. But there were mostly manageable side effects
What Dasatinib related side effects should we expect in a child? I read headaches and diarrhoea are the most common ones. Any tips and how to manage those? Of course i have read about more serious ones like pleural effusion etc
I have been following the forum and it has been very useful> any help/advice etc would be most welcome
Thank you!