54.61 Oct 2015 DX
1.088 July 2016 ( 9 th month )
0.116 Oct 2016
0.030 Jan 2017
0.152 April 2017 ! Lost MMR !
0.065 May 2017
0.085 Sept 2017
0.046 Dec 2017
0.041 April 2018
0.018 August 2018
400 mg 28 October 2015 - 26 November 2015
300 mg 26 November 2015 - 23 January 2018
200 mg 23 January 2018 to present
* 16-24 March 2016 stopped due to neutropenia
* 200 mg 24 March 2016- 07 April 2016
* 300 mg 07 April 2016-28 April 2016
* 200 mg 28 April 2016 - 23 May 2016 200 mg
Hi to All ,
i will be happy for any recommendations or suggestions .
------------------ Just a Summary ---------------------------------------- OPTİONAL TO READ
my mother is a cml patient since 28/10/2015 ( started Glivec 400 mg ) . she is 69 years old , 150 cm and 58 kg ( relevant to her dosage i guess )
Summary of her dosage first year is
1-After first month her dosage set to 300 mg .
2- approximately 40 days she didnt take her medicine ( due to several UTİ's and her idea of drugs was making her that way ( nausea and vomiting from UTİ )
3- didnt take medicine due to neutropenia for two weeks . then started 200 mg for two weeks then back to her normal dosage 300 mg.
with all this handicaps her PCR results for the 12th month was % 0.1164 ( IS)
she has been and feeling good since 11 th month . no more UTİ , no more vomiting and nausea .
Puffy eyes and .
1 her renal functions are dropping but she is not in a serious situation .
2 anemia
are her side effects . but still we are happy with glivec at least for last 7 months.
Our last 3 PCR Results are below ( all tests are from peripheral blood (her arm) and in IS )
12th month ............%0.1164 ( IS )
15th month ............%0.0306 ( IS )
18th month ........... %0.1522 ( IS ) 04/04/2017
my questions
1 - From what i read so far , this rise may be from an update or calibration in the lab. ( first thing to ask monday ) if this is the case i guess she is going to use same dosage (300 mg ) and wait for the result of her 21st month PCR test .
2- whether it is lab or not , should we wait for 21st month PCR ? i mean maybe another Pcr test or CBA , mutuation tests as soon as possible ?
3- she never gave blood from bone marrow . all test are made from peripheral blood . even her cytogenetics . Fish tests were made just two times . first was at the diagnosis ( % 41 ) and the second one was at the 3rd month ( due to lack of PCR test ) which was % 0 .
any opinion what will be our next step and when it should be done ? i read most of the pdf s i got about follow up and monitoring and neither of them gives a specific time at warning or failure situations.
english is not my native language . it was exhausting but finally i finished it .
all answers will be appreciated.
her PCR Test are
i am not sure about image.uk but first one is safe to use in turkey